
I have journeyed from the Mountains to the Sea. I grew up in small town in Vermont and now live on Cape Cod with my beautiful family. I have worked in the Hospitality, Travel & Tourism industry for over 20 years. Now that my husband and I have raised our two daughters we are transitioning from homeowners to long time cruisers onboard a motor yacht. I am thrilled to be sharing my life's journey with you as well as sharing decades of knowledge about work, parenting, and marriage.

How to be College Ready.

You don’t know what you don’t know!Here are some tips to help you be “In the Know” and “College Ready.” Never say never because:• You will lose your key at least once.• You will lock yourself out of your room.• You will wish you had learned how to do laundry before leaving home. You will

How to be College Ready. Read More »